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tv   Piers Morgan Tonight  CNN  October 31, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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and from were charging stations and people sharing. that is something that happened all over the place. moments like that were hundreds of thousands of people may be fighting their way on this buses. traffic at a standstill outside of our studio here in columbus circle. is.7 million people without power in the wake of superstorm sandy. a storm that killed 56 people. the crisis is far from over. ambulances tonight lining up outside of new york's bellvue hospital to evacuate 700 patients. the new jersey flames raging through the shore town of mantoloking. the mutual admiration society
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saw president and governor christie. this is what the president promised the victims of superstorm sandy. >> we are here for you. we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure you get all of the help you need until you rebuild. >> meanwhile, six days until election day, mitt romney is in the must-win state of florida with a new bipartisan tone. >> i've got to be able to reach across the aisle and get good democrats and republicans to work together. good democrats love america, just like good republicans love america. >> michael moore is here to react to all of the events and if you have questions tweet us@piers tonight. we will begin on the long hard commute for millions of new yorkers. it's a rough time for many new yorkers. obviously a rough time for many people on the east coast.
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in new york it seems as almost two cities now. you have the half with power, upwards of 40th street and below 40th street a nightmare with no power. traffic, absolute chaos out there. i had to walk earlier because it was gridlock. what can you tell me about the subway, about power and when new york will be back on its feet? >> well, that's a question a lot of people are asking. it is obvious from what we witnessed today it will take a while before new york gets to what it used to be. today, what we witnessed, thousands of people walking across the queensboro bridge. some trying to make it home tonight. that's what we have been seeing throughout the day, not just here at the queensboro bridge but also at the brooklyn bridge. saw that as well. people trying to get in and out of the city without subway service, without train service. foot was the only way you can do, by walking. we had the buses running. even that was a nightmare for some. some people telling us they waited three, four hours, piers
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to get on a bus today. a little more than an hour ago, as we were here at a bus stop, we witnessed a crush of people trying to get on one bus that pulled up. people have been patient all day but i think at that point some of them had clearly lost their patience. there was some swearing and pushing and shoving as everyone who had been lined up for hours -- things calmed down and the buses went on as they should have. tomorrow i have a bit of encouraging news for commuters. based on what the mayor is saying things should be better than what we witnessed here today. we are expecting to see restored in limited service, restored service on the lirr, the long island railroad and some subways. i say limited service. what commuters should do, piers is go on-line check with the mta to see which trains and subways
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will be running in and out of the city. >> a tale of cities in new york and for those who have got no power and the longer this goes on the more people will be feeling angry and concerned and it is up to authorities to allay the concern. a few communication problems but you did gra great job, as always. thank you very much. hundreds of patients are being evacuated including newborn kids after the storm knocked power at. it is happening at bellvue hospital. sanjay gupta is joining us. this is an awful situation. yesterday we had nyu saying come on, how can you not be ready for this? you are on water. you have been through hurricanes before. you were warned for a week. this is going to be the big one. how are these generators at nyu and bellvue, backup generators, why are they failing? >> well let me put it to you
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like this. -- this is bellvue behind me. earer rheely dark. i go by the hospital a lot and never seen it like this before. but the generators are spread sporadically throughout the hospital. what the jen nagenerators need fuel, oil. it is often kept at the lower levels. not on the rooftop. there are pumps that pump the fuel to the generators. for example at bellvue the backup generators on the 13th and 12th floors, when the pumps fail as a result of the water coming in to the basin areas, the cavernous areas, those pumps failed and people have been having to carry fuel up 12 flights of stairs since yesterday. they created bucket brigades in order to do that. again, piers the important part you have generator and you can place them in secure areas and try to insulate the pumps as much as possible. they use submarine technology to
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insulate the pumps but water still got in. and they found out it got in to the point where it damaged the pumps irreparably and that's why the evacuation occurred. >> i think it is fair to say the hospitals are doing an extraordinary job under what must be desperately difficult conditions. i want to sink single them out. both of the hospitals, the nurses and doctor and the workers down there are doing a herculean job but why would you plan a hospital that are near water where you have a key part of the power system in the basement? it doesn't make any sense to me? >> it has been widely discussed. i don't know the full answer. one thing about putting fuel in the hospital they want to put it closer to the ground because transporting it in terms of safety could be a concern. they have encapsulated the fuel
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pumps and containers in what they thought was good technology to try to keep them water resistant. i talked to the president of the hospital, the guy that runs the show here and it was similar, some of the answers we got last night on your program. they said they thought they would hold. they thought the pumps would be safe. they weren't and as a result the generators failed. >> i will be talking to the president of the new york health and hospital corporation in a few minutes. thank you very much. new york mayor booker every night is on the phone with the latest on the recovery effort in the state hit hardest by sandy. mr. mayor, welcome back. how are things in newark? we saw the things with chris christie and barack obama in new jersey. how are things where you are? >> the devastation in the southern parts of our state, command our attention,
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compassion and prayers. newark our major problem is power, still out to half of the city. still so many people in very vulnerable conditions, dependent on medicines that need to be reridge rated and others who are residents are trapped, disabled, unable to come down and worried. we have been delivering food and trying to get things done. unfortunately, we have announced a number of fatalities today. three in our city. one was in the form of a drowning. two unfortunately today two young women who had a generator hooked up and died of carbon monoxide poisoning. this is what we fear. we now have recovery going on. there are still hazards and some of them are created by people trying to compensate for the lack of power by open flames, using ovens to heat their homes
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or generators and it creates hazards everything from fires to the carbon monoxide deaths we have seen. >> very sad story. on a positive note, newark airport is partially open today. maybe fully reopened within the next day or so, do you think? >> yes. first of all we are happy it is open. and there will be more and more activity. as we get these arteries open, we have announcements made and new jersey transit buses will run in a more limited schedule. thank you but they will be open. it will breathe life in to the community. people can get to and fro, not as stranded as they have been. we have people without power unable to get to a place where they could buy food. we are a major transportation hub so the ability to fly gets back to business as usual and helps people stranded here get where they need to go away from newark. >> mayor booker, we appreciate you joining us every night live
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to git give us the latest on what is happening in newark. this is ongoing crisis and we want to do what we can to help. >> thank you, piers. all the best to you. >> the damage is catastrophic, the death toll rising all the time and millions of americans are in the dark without power. six days before the election and an extraordinary situation has never happened before. bring in my guest for the night, documentary film maker michael moore. this is unchartered territory. we have a general election next tuesday and almost nobody is talking about it. they are talking about this phenomenal storm. the likes of which new york has never seen before. you were here when it hit on monday. where were you? >> in my apartment on the west side of manhattan here. our neighborhood didn't get blacked out. but i did everything that everybody else did getting ready
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for it. i was -- i sat through katrina when katrina happened. so i have kind been through a little bit of this before. but this is -- what happened here the skop scope of it. i don't think we know the scope. >> the magnitude is greater than anyone has grasped yet. >> this is where we need our news media to come in. if i may we need fewer reporters standing in waist-high water seeing they are going to be blown over and more real reporting, real news. what's going on. >> i have heard that criticism. i don't agree and i will tell you why. when i see someone standing in atlantic city in the middle of a boardwalk actually in water and
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i agree with him. anyone man enough that thinks they should be going out for a stroll, walking a dog and looks at that and saysly stay in. >> i was looking ate and watching ali being blown around in new york city. my first thought was why is cnn trying to kill ali velshi? what did he do here? >> ali -- >> for the 2008 crash coverage. >> it is a dramatic image that fully tells the story of how big this is and how dangerous it is. >> it does and it doesn't. >> if he saves one life, isn't it worth it? >> well, yeah. a lot of things you can do on cnn to save many lives but we can do that another show. there was a part of queens that burned down on monday night. people didn't know about this while it was happening which is
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odd when you think of it. 130 homes something like that that we have added up. >> 110 homes. >> and then 20 more had damage. >> 9:00 to 10:00 and midnight to 1:00 and we weren't aware of what happened. i found that out when i woke up the following morning? >> why is that? >> because there is so much going on. like an apocalypse. >> i agree. but manhattan island is three miles wide. that neighborhood in queens is five miles. not a long ways away. we are in a condensed area. and i guess i would have thought, too, with everybody with their cell phone cameras and whatever, that -- maybe there needs to be a better mechanism. i know you guy s have had this eye thing for sometime. and i think that's the thing but it was shocking that something that happened say eight miles away nobody knew about it and literally an entire neighborhood burned to the ground.
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>> listen, if i had known about it we would have reported it straight away but it was a chaotic night with so much happening. we will come back and talk more about the storm and chris christie and barack obama, this odd romance that is sprouting out of this t. what do you make of it and do you believe it? president obama: there's just no quit in america... and you're seeing that right now. over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority;
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building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. introducing the new 13-inch macbook pro, ♪ with the stunning retina display. ♪
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if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. with chantix and with the support system it worked. it worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> overever governor christie throughout this process has been responsive. he's been aggressive in making sure that the state got out in front of this incredible storm. >> i cannot thank the president enough for his personal concern and compassion for our state and the people of our state. >> president obama and new jersey governor chris christie standing together side by side
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surveying the damage from hurricane sandy. they have gone from adversaries to praising each other. my guest michael moore. we did cover the rockaway blaze in the midnight show on monday night in to tuesday morning. i was anchoring that toward though end. we were one of the first networks to get it on the air. >> but two or three hours after it happened. my point is, can you imagine if 110 homes were burning right now in los angeles. >> sure. >> it would be another three hours we heard about it. >> no. but you have to take it in the context of everything else going nonnew york. >> my point is that everything going on was putting reporters in three feet of water and seeing how far they blow. and that is not news. >> i don't agree with that. >> we already covered. but when a 18-foot surge comes over in lower manhattan. >> here it comes, whoa! that's it. why do you keep ali velshi in
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atlantic city hour after hour after hour with him being blown around by the wind. >> i think he was courageous to do what he did . he was there 12 hours showing you as we can see now how desperate the conditions were. >> the cnn executive off camera. >> i will defend ali. it was an amazing piece of reporting and cnn as bringing all the news as fast as we get it. you may say we should have guessed there would have been a fire down in that part of queens and we should have guessed it and put it on the air. >> you are right. >> you have to react a and we were one of the first to report it and i think cnn has done and credible job of it. >> i acknowledge the 21st century reality that cnn and all other news organizations have had their budgets slashed and reporters cut and there's a lot
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less people in 2012 reporting the news than sglsh. >> we couldn't second guess where a fire would go. let's move on. the extraordinary relationship between chris christie who has spent the last year burying president obama, now side by side with the president in new jersey. we know why. it is because there's been a devastating side effects from sandy there. one of the worst probably in the whole of america. what do you make of this? do you buy it or is there a political reasoning behind what is going on? >> personally i'm not a cynic. i think it looked -- i think governor christie and president obama both look sincere and concerned. >> are you skeptical there is more political motive behind it? it is right to ask the question. >> of course it is okay to ask because it is shocking to see governor christie over and over and over again on show after show after show heighten his love each time he went on a
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different show for president obama. >> if you are mitt romney, there's your right hand guy. the guy who was the first to support you, who's been hammering obama on your behalf all year suddenly looking like his best friend. whichever you way you dress this up, this cannot help mitt romney, can it? >> no. the cynic would say, what did mitt romney do in the last couple of weeks to piss governor chris christie. he didn't have to go the extra ten miles that he went. >> he say the president went the extra mile and his first responsible to the people of new jersey. knowing chris christie as i do, i think he is a straight guy. i like him very much. i think he is a straight talker. i think when he says it he means it. >> i thought he was sincere. >> i saw an interview with him last niechlt in his hometown devastated, places he grew up and i think he thought, this is
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not about this election and the president is going the extra mile for me. >> i saw the press conference he conducted and i was impressed with a couple of things he said. he pointed out how after irene a year ago, the hurricane, he put forward a bill in the new jersey legislature to change like a 100-year-old law that says when the utilities are downed they are fined $100 a day, an ancient law and he wants that changed to 10,000 or a million dollars a day. so he sent this bill, a serious fines that will tell the utilities, upgrade your infrastructure. use your profits to do a better job or you are going to be really fined if you go down. and i thought, wow, he was saying that and -- >> i think people have been respectful of the incredibly difficult job the authorities and politicians have had and i think all of the mayors from bloomberg to booker to the governor involved, have done a
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terrific job. but there will be a tipping point for people. if they are out of power next tuesday, for example, this could impact the election. maybe people -- you could have said today it benefits the president because he has been presidential. mitt romney can't get on television but you could say next tuesday if there are millions without power feeling angry, you could get a protest, couldn't you in. >> first of all, i don't think it is just mitt romney not being able to get on television. i think we have a president and believe me after the eight years before this president, one bumbling mistake after another, and that's being kind. to have a president who is intelligent and who's proactive and who doesn't play politics. who i believe was insere in everything he said about governor christie and everything he did here today, i think people feel more secure with barack obama in the white house when we have something like this happen. we know he's going to take the reins, get in charge and get something done. that -- i'm not trying to make a statement of how that helps him
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in the election. i think it helps us as american sit is zens to have somebody like that in the white house who isn't going to screw around and do the job that we sent him there to do. that felt really good. >> whichever side you are on, you can't say that blaum hasn't done an excellent job. take a break and come back and talk about the crisis in the hospital because i feel pretty angry about this and i'm surprised more people don't because the backup generators failed at two of new york's biggest hospitals, unacceptable. [ woman ] it's 32 minutes to go time, and the candidate's speech is in pieces all over the district. the writer's desktop and the coordinator's phone are working on a joke with local color. the secure cloud just received a revised intro from the strategist's tablet. and while i make my way into the venue, the candidate will be rehearsing off of his phone. [ candidate ] and thanks to every young face i see out there. [ woman ] his phone is one of his biggest supporters. [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center... working together has never worked so well.
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and sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our local schools... every school. for them. for all of us. vote yes on thirty-eight. looking at bellvue hospital on the east side. hundreds of patients are r being evacuated. on the phone with me is the president of the health and hospital corporation. thank you for joining me. >> good evening, piers. >> let me lay my cards on the table. i find it shameful that two of new york's major hospitals have suffered complete power outages given there have been hurricanes from irenes and on wards. they are on the water and must be an ongoing threat and a beak
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week to prepare for what everybody said was the biggest storm new york would ever see. how did this happen. >> let's be clear. there were two hospitals next to each other. one not bellvue hospital did lose total power. bellvue hospital has four emergency generators on a high floor that kicked in to power the hospital after we lost coned power. remember this is an unprecedented storm based on the projections from the national hurricane center, even an hour before the storm hit. the storm surge projections at their highest level would not have threatened our hospital, which actually sits at a higher elevation than the other hospital on the same block that a actually lost total power. we did have power. the issue was our ability to sustain a huge complex hospital level one trauma center on temporary power that doesn't
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power all of the systems within the hospital. >> right. whichever way you want to explain this, it doesn't change the fact that you have hundreds of patients, many critically ill, many mothers of newborn children all being ferried on monday night, for example, from nyu in to the eye of the worst storm ever. i can't think of anything wore worse for a mother of a newborn child to be ferried down nine flights of stairs and going in to a hurricane. it begs the question, if this was to happen next year, would you have a different system that didn't have pumps with oil in a basement that get drown sod much you can't use them? what are the lessons learned here so mothers coming in to the hospitals next year don't have to worry if there is another hurricane they will be out in the middle of it? >> i can't speak for nyu hospital which is the hospital that had to evacuate in the face of the storm.
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our evacuation occurred afterward. but bellvue is the longest operating hospital in the united states. it has never experienced anything like what we experienced on sunday and monday. and bear in mind, there's a balance of risk here. it is not risk free to transfer patients, many of whom are critically ill, and having to do that as a mass evacuation. again, the projections and the strength of the hurricane changed very rapidly. even at its peak did not suggest that the hospital was in danger. we sheltered in place during hurricane irene, just a year ago. and it didn't come remotely close to endangering our hospital. this is one of these events where it's easy in hindsight to say we should have, but had we actually initiated an evacuation where one of the critically ill patients or patients on
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ventilators died in the transport we'd be criticized for doing that. it is not an easy decision to make. the remarkable thing is that we had 725 patients in the hospital when the storm hit. we now have 260 there. all of the critically ill patients have been transferred or ready. all of them are doing fine and safe in other hospitals. we appreciate, particularly the national guard which has been unbelievable in terms of their help. we had to have patients carried down as many as 18 flights of stairs. the national guard did that with special sleds. they were fabulous. >> here's my problem. i'm looking at these pictures and you have all of these people ferried around. now i'm looking at goldman sachs downtown on the west side. they are lit up with full power the stock exchange reopening and thinking why would financial institutions be able to have the kind of power facilities and reserves to allow them to keep going but hospitals are having to ferry critically ill people
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all over the city in the middle of this chaos? and the answer has to be, doesn't it, a lack of resolve or planning or lack of infrastructure. >> no, piers. as i said we are emergency power at the hospital. it is one thing to keep computers going. >> not enough emergency power if you are evacuating people. >> because hospitals are more complex. absolutely that's the case. >> let me jump in. is it not your job as the president of new york city health and hospitals corporation to think the unthinkable? isn't this just part of the unthinkable? in other words, a major attack through water and you are based near the water. it can hardly be that unthinkable that it is coming and the power system to the extent you have to evacuate hundreds of people. that is part of your job, isn't it? >> it is easy to make that judgment from a ring side seat. when you are in the arena and
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you have to balance the risks involved in even doing something like an evacuation, as i said, this has never been experienced here before. we have backup systems that are quite robust. four emergency generators to run the 13th floor. we still don't know what occurred in terms of outages to many of the electrical circuits that go through a distribution panel, as well as what happened to the fuel pumps which were -- although below grade, were encased in sealed enclosure with what are called submarine doors with rubber gaskets and nine levers. >> if i may, let me bring in michael moore for a quick reaction. >> you make valid points but i want to say something in defense of the hospital. and in the interest of full disclosure i had a loved one in nyu hospital and that is an excellent hospital. the staff, everybody is absolutely wonderful hospital. >> none of this is about the
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level of care and i know the staff and nurses are doing an unbelievable job. i'm talking about the system and the infrastructure. >> the infrastructure is set up, the reason why the generators and the oil and everything is in the basement to keep it going because new york has a history of blackouts but the blackout doesn't come in the hospital through the river. it happens through the coned system and the systems were flut so the hospitals keep going and they have. nobody has experienced this, as he said, before. but this is -- what i want to point out is that when you say it is unprecedented, it may be unprecedented but when he says it is unprecedented but it is going to set the precedent because this is what we will see here on out. unless we are welcome willing -- you said you want to talk about this climate, climate change and global warming. this is what changed. this is not going to be a freak incident in new york and new jersey. we have been seeing crazy weather the last few years, the
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drought over the summer, the thing that is -- >> hold this thought. we will climate change after the braechblg alan, i appreciate you coming on. i think i you knew i would be critical and thank you for coming and explaining yourself the way you have. we will come back and talk about voter turnout and global warming. [ ross ] we are at the bottom of the earth: patagonia, chile. this is the first leg of our world challenge with the cadillac ats. this is actually starting to feel real now. [ ross ] this is the perfect place to test the ats's advanced aerodynamics. [ derek ] we've got crosswinds, tailwinds, headwinds. aerodynamics is all about keeping the car planted on the road. you are going to get hit by stuff, so don't freak out. [ screaming with excitement ] and move out now. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats. ♪
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>> for us to sit here and say this is a once in a generation and not going to happen again i think would be shortsighted and i think we need to anticipate more of these extreme weather-type situations in the future. >> governor andrew cuomo making it clear america will see more superstorms like sandy caused by global warming. i heard michael bloomberg say the same thing that he in new york had never known a more unstable year for weather. he agrieed it will get worse
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what do you think. >> i think it has gotten worse. i think we are way down the road here. we're in pretty big trouble and we're still having a debate in congress whether or not there is global warming. this is the people, the majority of americans, believe we have climate problem. and majority of americans believe in science. we have allowed the ignore ray mouses run the show on this and this should put an end to that. >> could it be that they have been measuring weather since 1898, could it be a global cyclical weather thing, actually not global warming but something that may have happened 500, 1,000 years ago you get pockets of this and we don't have the records to back it up. could it be that. >> i will answer it the way mayor bloomberg answered it, it could be that but do you want to take a risk?
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what if you are wrong? we are not prepared like we weren't prepared for this and we won't be prepared for the next thing and we weren't prepare fdr the drought this summer. how many times do we get punched in the face before we realize, something is punch me in the face. >> chad, you have been in the game nearly three decades, is this global warming we are seeing from a meteorological point of view, is there any other explanation. >> it's the prime suspect. i don't have one. maybe particulates in the air. the rain drops, the moisture can get on the drops and get bigger, but i will tell you what, i think sandy would have existed without global warming but the water is warmer. one degree warmer than in '70 that probably made the storm 10% stronger. doesn't sound like a big deal but if you take 10 0% aen /*
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/* -- 10% and you raised the force of the wind by four times and then 40 to 80 and now you are 16 times where you were on, so 10% seems like a small number but it was enough of an increase to make the whole thing a superstorm. then you have to get in to was there a blocking high over greenland because there is no sea ice up there this year another thing. >> let me bring michael back in. he is chomping at the bit. >> i want to ask you a question, we have had 60 degree weather here in new york this week during the storm. i have never heard of a hurricane occurring in 60 degree weather. seriously, if people thinking this is a freak accident of nature, i think it is a dangerous road to go down. >> yeah. sandy developed in the tropics and sometimes the latitudes
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don't get together. what could have and should have happened it would have turned out to sea and been a gutter ball and it was there and turned it back to the united states and then the cold air you talked about gets sucked up in to this thing, enhances it more and we have yourselves super storm sandy. >> in case anyone missed it, chad's last comment he mentioned this sea ice in greenland is gone this summer, melted. >> you believe the science. >> absolutely. >> when you hear republicans say the science is a lot of bunk, what do you say to them? >> these are the same people that said adam and eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago. i consider the source. i would say to them what i just said to you. let's say that maybe you are right but do you want to take the chance that maybe you are not right? because what's the harm in preparing or changing our way of life so that we don't destroy the planet? we are destroying the planet.
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as the emerging third world bias and builds cars they are going to want the same thing we have had and that atmosphere of ours isn't going to take it. >> chad myers thank you very much. we will be back after the break. we will go to ga-- [ male announcer ] the 2013 smart comes with 8 airbags, a crash management system and the world's only tridion safety cell which can withstand over three and a half tons. small in size. big on safety.
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[ male announcer ] the exceedingly nimble, ridiculously agile, tight turning, fun to drive 2013 smart. ♪ sandy. live to gary tuchman in hoboken, new jersey. you are at one of the worst start parts of the storm there. we hear as many as 20,000 people in hoboken are still trapped. is that what you are hearing? >> it appears the news is more encouraging than when i talked to you last night. the national guard has arrived. 45 members of the national guard with atv vehicles. we went with them through the city 9 0 minutes tonight and we have found the water receded
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greatly. most are here because they want to stay. the water is no more than a foot orrer two deep. old people, elderly people, people are still in building. we went to the national guard with the buildings and people said they don't want to leave, they are happy playing cards and dominos and the situation here is no longer diempl we do not regard it right now as a life-threatening situation in hoboken, new jersey. >> that's great to hear. gary, thank you very much. good to hear, michael. people are awe inspiring in this situations like this. new yorker and new jersey people have it a lot of people have it around the world. when these things happen it is inspiring to see how people react, isn't it? >> i think that is the american thing to do, to pull together. in your first segment, your reporter, was it jason, is that his name. >> yeah. >> mentioned there were people fighting to get on the buses
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today and i noticed other people said this, there is a little more of an edge than a few days after 9/11 where nobody would push or shove or yell at anybody. nobody would honk a horn. i think, you know, with this, at least with 9/11 we knew there was an enemy, somebody who did this, al qaeda, bin laden but who did this? who did this to me? why am i fighting to get on this bus or walking ten miles. where does my anger go, mother nature i can't deal with that, so. >> do you think the authorities have done enough? were they prepared enough for this? >> they were prepared but only in the sense that they haven accepted that we will have more and more and more of this because of the climate change. until they get together on that and then work very hard -- also, our infrastructure needs to be
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upgraded. this hasn't happened. >> i christian am pour, interesting interview said that successful mayor had not done enough to invest in infrastructure if they are unthinkable like this. maybe hospitals wouldn't have been evacuated. >> something else out there, too. why in this country do we have private profit-making corporations as our utilities? why would you put the profit motive in a utility? and they have a monopoly. if you are going to have capitalism have competing utilities. if you are not going to do that why isn't a government run operation? anytime you put an entity they have to think of the bottom line. this they are trying to think how to spend as little money as a possible. that's why they are not upgrading and in the 19th and 20th century with our electrical and the grid structure.
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what's their incentive? they have no competition. they are a monopoly. i think that has to change. we need to noi not allow a corporation to be able to -- it affects all of our lives. >> if they are out of power another week they will really be thinking it. >> the voting, 90 million americans may not vote next week. your analysis of this is the vast majority of those, if they didn't vote would probably vote for barack obama. it could cost him the election. >> auts "usa today" did a poll in august and prediction of 90 million will not vote next tuesday when they asked if they had to vote for somebody who would you vote for and i think the number was something like 43% said they would vote for obama and 18% said they would vote for romney. clearly the nonvoters are easily
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2-1, 3-1 in favor of obama. so the real challenge, i think -- and this is what i thought because i sent it out to my twitter followers and facebook and all of this and i have gotten about 5 million people on these various social media things. i said to all of them today, can you do me a favor. in the next five or six days identify one person you know who isn't planning to vote and convince them to vote. get them to vote. if we all took that as our mission the next six days i'm going to get one non-voter to vote. i think that this could add easily another million votes for obama. it is the likely voters in the polls we don't talk about unlikely voters and i would look at this if i were a politician saying there are 90 million untapped votes here. >> amazing statistic. take a break and we will be back after this [ engine revving .
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back with michael moore. breaking news 4 you. we have spaeshl guest on the phone who you said earlier that cnn was trying to kill.
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ali velshi, welcome. >> piers thank you for your spirit of defense and michael thank you for your concern. i want you to know and i tweeted this to you, michael, cnn didn't instruct me to be anywhere. i did what i could to get the story out as well as we could and this is not our first rodeo. we paid close attention to the safety concerns out there. >> people are watching ali on the screen. this looks like the first hour or two. and you look like you were in to it. i was watching in the fourth and fifth hour. i felt so bad for you. did you draw the short straw here at cnn? who did you upset? and i'm thinking you are such a great business reporter, you know, what i really want to know is what is on the tax returns that mitt romney won't show us? i think that's what america wants to know. >> if i may have the last word, the crazy thing is ali velshi will tell us that as well.